Wednesday, May 18, 2016

USANA Joins The White House Office

USANAINC Joins The White House Office Of Science And Technology Policy Initiative In Support Of Microbiome Science Research.

As one of the leading companies in the nutritional supplement industry, USANA Health Sciences supports the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy's (OSTP) research in investigating fundamental principles that govern microbiomes across diverse ecosystems, influencing diverse features of the planet — human health, climate change and food security — to validate its markers with health relevance.

The OSTP addressed the future of microbiomes — communities of microorganisms that live on and in people, plants, soil, oceans and the atmosphere — and the steps it plans to take to advance the understanding of microbiome behavior and enable protection and restoration of healthy microbiome function earlier today in Washington, D.C.
"Given the current state of microbiome research, we believe we will be able to identify and validate a set of microbiome markers that predict the health risks we face today," said Dr. Kevin Spelman, USANA's executive vice president of research and development and advisor for the White House commission on complementary and alternative medicine. "Such markers could be the variation of a single bacterial species, a unique combination of different species, or a biological pathway in the microbiota. This work could lead to prediction of health status change as well as personalized measures of health maintenance."
Known for its rigorous testing methods, in vitro and human clinical investigation and innovative product technology, USANA's commitment to science has received recognition from NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, and Utah Best of State.
"Appropriate regulation of microbiome products is key to industry investment and, ultimately, marketable products," said Dr. Elizabeth Stulberg, senior policy advisor for food and life sciences at the White House. "We hope federal investments in microbiome science will bring us to this point soon."